Obama, using his strong intellect, revealed something deeply interesting. Let's all hold Obama to his own logic.
If you listen to the interview, Obama is RIGHT. He didn't say the following... but the the logic behind what he says is thus,
"When the country was so sick of a blue state president, Carter, Reagan was able to tap into it by being 100% red-state. Reagan knew the electorate was so sick of a blue-state president and blue-state policies, they we're willing to go 100% red. Reagan didn't mince words. He ran on a 100% red-state message. When Reagan won with a 100% red state message, Reagan had a 100% red-state mandate. Reagan knew transformation was all about mandate. Reagan ran a clear red-issue campaign. He never reached out to blue. Reagan was able to bowl over any resistance in Congress because he had a clear 100% red-state mandate. When you have a 100% red-state mandate, no one is surprised by what you do. Reagan, therefore, was able to get all the changes he wanted. Reagan was for those reasons...transformational."
Will the Real Reagan please Stand-up...
Let's see what else Obama might think, using logic..
The Switch: 'red-state' with 'blue state', 'Carter' with 'Bush' and "X" with Reagan.
"When the country was so sick of a red-state president, Bush, X was able to tap into it by being 100% blue-state. X knew the electorate was so sick of a red-state president and red-state policies, they we're willing to go 100% blue. X didn't mince words. He ran on a 100% blue-state message. When X won with a 100% blue-state message, he had a 100% blue-state mandate. X knew transformation was all about mandate. X ran a clear blue-issue campaign, he never reached out to red. X was able to bowl over any resistance in Congress because he had a clear 100% blue-state mandate. When you have a 100% blue-state mandate, no one is surprised by what you do. X, therefore, was able to get all the changes he wanted. X was for those reasons...transformational."
The Dirty Little Secret...
"X" is John Edwards and Obama knows it.
Now you know what all real progressives have known from the start. I just never thought Obama would articulate it for us.
Remeber, as much as we like Obama, being all things to all people, red state and blue state, everything and nothing, liberal and conservative, Obama will never be able to transform anything but the style of the president. He will have no mandate because Obama, so far, is a Rorschach Inkblot Test. Everyone knew exactly how radical Reagan and FDR were.
Another Missed opportunity for progressives..
The GOP did not miss their opportunity in 1980. Remember, Reagan was considered a big risk before the convention. Some risk, huh?
Democrats could learn a few things about backbone...
UPDATE: This explains the other DIRTY LITTLE SECRET that John Edwards performs better in all head-to-head national polls against the Republican candidates, including John McCain. It's all very logical if our party doesn't screw it up again over money, hype, or otherwise. Blue state message wins.